Worship Ministry Foundations – part 2 – Mission Objectives

Darcy L. Watkins – July 5, 2024 (original May 9, 2012)

These are mission objectives I have developed and used as a guide over the years while leading worship teams:

  1. Facilitate and guide a Spirit led, vibrant and inspiring worship expression.
  2. Nurture and train worshipers for ministry, mentor them to fulfill God’s purpose, and provide opportunities for them to minister.
  3. Develop and maintain worship teams to support worship at our church.
  4. Encourage participation from those of the target culture of the worship ministry.
  5. Mentor the next generations in the matters of worship ministry.
  6. Apply music, art, drama and other appropriate art forms, media and technologies to worship, ministry and outreach.
  7. Encourage the composition of new songs and other works inspired of the Holy Spirit, utilize them in ministry and publish them as appropriate.
  8. Network with other worship leaders within the region and abroad, exchanging ideas and experiences, partnering with joint projects in the community, and investing in one another’s teams to encourage mutual growth.
  9. Launch and support worship ministry extensions in support of our ministries and outreach.

These are towards our overall objective to equip the church for effective Christian living, demonstrating God’s presence here and abroad, fulfilling His will.