Worship Ministry Foundations – part 3 – The Songs We Sing

Darcy L. Watkins – June 12, 2024

As we consider songs to be used during worship, we should evaluate them to ensure that God, The Godhead, The Trinity, The Lord, Jesus Christ (or other expression we use to identify God) is portrayed as:

  1. preeminent in our setting [Col 1:18]
  2. central in our relationship [John 15:5]
  3. near in our faith [Ps 145:18]

And this is in a manner consistent with His lordship over our lives, using culturally relevant imagery suitable to our community.  This is important as a “rubric” we use to assess songs under consideration for worship since songs come from many sources that operate more in accordance with business models than ministry models.  We don’t just pick a song because it feels good or because the lyrics are edgy.

To elaborate, our songs are about God, who He is, what He does and what He wills.  In all things He shall have the preeminence [Col 1:18].  Our songs are centered on Christ and emphasize His characteristics.  When a song contextualizes us in relationship with God, it is clear that God is the center and focus, and our relationship with Him is through Him and in Him.  He is the Vine, we are the branches [John 15:5].  Our songs are songs of faith.  They express our trust in and communion with Him, face to face, not abstractions from afar.  [Ps 145:18].